2025 Ag Appreciation Dinner

2025 Ag Appreciation Dinner

The Annual Ag Appreciation Dinner at Watson's Event Center. Keynote Speaker: Elaine Froese Silent Auction and Prime Rib Dinner

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2025 Broadwater Education Trivia Night

2025 Broadwater Education Trivia Night

The Annual Broadwater Education Trivia Night. Enjoy a no-host bar, pulled pork dinner, trivia and a lot of fun!

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FREE Rides to Helena and Bozeman

FREE Rides to Helena and Bozeman

Up to 8 One Way Trips a month. Prescription Drug Deliveries, Grocery Deliveries.

Read More

BCDC is ‘Broadwater Development Corporation’

Our Mission is to Attract, retain and expand businesses in Broadwater County and support infrastructure and beautification efforts. Protect and maintain our heritage.

The BCDC Meetings are open to the public. Join us at our monthly meeting held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at The Lodge of Townsend.


Quick Links

Webcam Bulletin Board Weather Events Calendar Business Directory   Community Connections

Townsend, Montana: Small Town, Big Landscapes, Deep History

By Kilynn Groen with Victor Sample and Rick Graetz


fall colors along the missouri river near townsend, montana

Brushed by the Missouri River, cradled by two mountain ranges, and adorned with a big lake, wildlife management areas, and a historic river, Townsend is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. The scenic beauty of this place in the Missouri River Valley is sure to inspire your next outdoor adventure.

Townsend, the county seat of Broadwater County, is a living testament to Montana’s rich history and vibrant natural beauty. Home to 1,787 people, this picturesque town is about 35 miles southeast of the state capital, Helena. Nestled between the Big Belt and Elkhorn Mountains, the region, often referred to as ‘The Banana Belt’, boasts a milder winter climate compared to its surroundings, making it an ideal destination for travelers.

Chronicles of Montana’s past run deep here.

To read the full article click on Townsend, Montana: Small Town, Big Landscapes, Deep History


Broadwater Community Foundation Newsletter for 2024 – 2025 is now available.

Click on Broadwater Community Foundation Newsletter to view the 2024-2025 newsletter

Click on BCF Grant Guidelines and Application to download the 2024-2025 BCF Grant Application.

Click on Sponsorship Form to become a BCF Sponsor.

Silos Area Master Plan

Click here to view the Silos Master Plan



Broadwater Community Review Phase 1

Assessment Report Phase 1 is now available

Assessment Reports

The January, 2025 Community Connections Newsletter is now available. Click on January, 2025 Community Connections Newsletter to view the newsletter.

Montana’s Area 4 Agency on Aging (RMDC) and GoGo are pleased to provide free rides and deliveries!

Montana’s Area 4 Agency on Aging (RMDC) and GoGo are pleased to provide free rides and deliveries!

This program allows older adults aged 60 and over in Gallatin, Lewis and Clark, Jefferson, and Broadwater counties to access up to 8 free rides, up to 4 free grocery deliveries, and up to 4 free prescription drug deliveries per month. For deliveries, program pays delivery cost; individuals pay grocery and/or drug co-pays (no narcotics).

To register for this FREE service visit us at



For More Information visit: https://mt43news-business-services.com/sites/mt43news-business-services.com/files/MT_AreaIV_GoGo_HowItWorks.pdf



Townsend Payment Portal Is Available

City of Townsend Residents,

The Wait Is Officially Over!!!

NEW Online Payments Portal now available! We are excited to announce that today you can begin to enjoy the comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative portal that includes the ability to pay your utility bills with a credit or debit card, or directly through your checking or savings bank account.

The same level of security that you have grown to expect from us will not change, and will be consistent in our new portal, which will provide new online payment options and more engaging features that improve your overall payment experience. Check out our FAQ’s pages for more!

To view the City of Townsend Payment Portal FAQ click on TownsendPaymentPortalFAQ

Additional communications will be provided to ensure that you experience a smooth user-experience; however, no action is required by you at this time.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (406) 266-3911.

City of Townsend Staff




Broadwater County Moves To New Live Streaming And Video Records Platform

Broadwater County is changing video retention and live streaming platforms in an effort to cut costs.
Video recordings and live streaming features will continue to be available to the public on the County’s new YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-w8R6AkOTdH5iMPeCNLmkg. Videos and livestreaming are also accessible through the County website. When clicking on a video link, you will be redirected to the YouTube channel.
Live viewing of meetings begins on July 29.
The County is in the process of transferring previously recorded videos to the new channel. Due to storage parameters, approximately one year of videos will be available once the transfer is complete. Older videos can be requested by contacting Daylene at dhansen@co.broadwater.mt.us or Ken at kbrug@co.broadwater.mt.us.
To make live comment during meetings, viewers should continue to email cmedia@co.broadwater.mt.us.


The Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Annual Report is Available

The Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Annual Report has been Published.  Click here to read/download the Annual Report.
BSPRA Mission- To provide for the reestablishment of safe, reliable, and sustainable passenger rail service across southern Montana that increases opportunity and contributes to the health and well-being of people across the state and beyond.
BSPRA Vision- To lead the expansion and enhancement of passenger rail service throughout Montana and the greater northwest region for the development of economic, environmental, social, and comprehensive benefits, now and into the future!

Helena – The Women, Infant & Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC) of Lewis and Clark Public Health (LCPH) is partnering with Broadwater County Public Health to host a monthly WIC Clinic in Townsend.
Located at 124 N Cedar Street, clinics are scheduled on the first Monday of each month from 10 am – 3 pm. Appointments are encouraged. Walk-ins are welcome.
WIC is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and provides food support for Montana families. One item in the food package is a dollar amount for fresh vegetables and fruits. The amounts are $26 per month for children up to age five, $47 for those pregnant, postpartum, or partially breastfeeding, and $52 for those fully breastfeeding. Other WIC benefits include nutrition counseling, lactation experts, baby food, breastfeeding education and pumps, access to trained staff, and other resources and referrals.

WIC eligibility requires participants to be pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding, or have a child younger than five. Participants must make less than 185% of the Federal Poverty Level or qualify for Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, Traditional Best Beginnings, or a free/reduced school meal program. WIC is a voluntary program, and participation does not interfere with SNAP or Medicaid, and new this year, traditional Best Beginnings Scholarship.

“We know that only 55% of eligible families are enrolled statewide, and we also know that many families are struggling to make ends meet this year,” said Dawn Sullivan, WIC Clinic Coordinator. “The team here at Helena WIC is here to help families enroll and access all the incredible benefits of WIC. We can help make this season a bit brighter.”

WIC in Montana includes 33 local agencies and over 80 clinic sites serving all 56 counties and six tribal reservations. Almost 13,400 women, infants, and children are enrolled which is about 10,000 Montana households.

If Broadwater County families need help enrolling in WIC or accessing their benefits, they can contact the Lewis and Clark Public Health WIC Clinic at 406-457-8912 or email wic@lccountymt.gov.




Cooking Classes



Looking for a fun way to support fellow 4-H members in Broadwater County? The Broadwater 4-H Interstate Exchange group is in its final push to raise funds for airline tickets to travel to Pennsylvania this summer. One of their creative fundraisers is “Goose Gaggling”—a playful twist on the classic pink flamingo flocking idea, but with geese!

Here’s how it works: For a small donation, adorable plastic geese will “roost” in someone’s yard for the day. In the evening, the geese will “migrate” to another yard, continuing their journey. If you find geese in your yard, there’s no cost to have them removed. However, for an additional donation, you can choose the next “lucky” friend to receive the flock!

This lighthearted fundraiser is all in good fun and helps support a great cause. Let’s keep the geese moving and help the Broadwater 4-H Interstate Exchange reach their goal!

To Gaggle-A-Friend, please use the attached order form and email to 4HExchange406@gmail.com, contact Jennifer at 406.490.1362, or complete the online form: https://forms.gle/U1gN7aqa6GWVujXU7

Donations are accepted via cash or checks payable to Broadwater 4-H Interstate Exchange, 416 Broadway, Townsend, MT 59644. If special payments need to be arranged, please contact Jennifer at (406) 490-1362.


If the idea of geese turning your property into their personal hangout doesn’t sound appealing, we’ve got you covered—literally! Our ‘Anti-Gaggling’ Insurance is available for just $25 per policy. The form is attached, so you can keep those feathered freeloaders at bay! To order ‘Anti-Gaggling’ Insurance, please use the attached form and email to 4HExchange406@gmail.com, contact Jennifer Beatty at 406.490.1362, or complete the online form at https://forms.gle/PAESvdVBNA2ox4Ws7.


Broadwater Rod and Gun Club Walleye Derby

July 19 @ 8:30 am – 2:30 pm

Broadwater Rod and Gun Club Walleye Derby

July 19, 2025  (8:30am-2:30pm) on Canyon Ferry out of Broadwater Bay near the Silos.

Maximum 90 2-person team. Forms can be found at www.broadwaterrodandgun.com


Please fill out the entry form and include $150 entry fee.

  Make checks out to Broadwater Rod & Gun Club (BRGC) & mail to PO BOX 641 Townsend MT 59644

******* Entry fee is discounted to $100 if postmarked or received by July 1, 2025*******

HURRY AND GET YOUR ENTRY in BEFORE JULY 10, 2025 to save $50.00!!!!


A first prize of $1,000 is based on a full field (90 2-person teams). Each of the three-team categories – female/female, male/female, adult/child (17 & under) – will have cash prizes. Contestants may have five people in the boat but only 2 fishing. The derby is a catch-and-release format, but one fish per entrant can be kept as a trophy. A mandatory pre-tournament rules meeting will be held on July 18, 2025 @ 7pm at the Broadwater Rod & Gun Club indoor shooting range at  96 Canton Lane Townsend, Mt

For information contact:

Debi Randolph   debi.randolph@gmail.com or 406-451-6035 (text is best)

Doug Breker at 406-949-0070 or email   dbreker@mt.net


American Red Cross Blood Drive Schedule

Upcoming Dates:

December 19, 2024: United Methodist Church @ 12:00 – 5:30pm

January 29, 2025: Broadwater County High School @ 10:30 – 4:30pm

February 19, 2025: United Methodist Church @ 12:00 – 5:30pm

March 7, 2025: American Legion Club Post #42 @ 11:30 – 4:30pm

April 17, 2025: United Methodist Church @ 12:00 – 5:30pm

To schedule an Appt visit the Red Cross website at Red Cross Blood Drive


Support The Imagination Library                                   

In Broadwater County

About the Program

The Imagination Library is a partnership between the Broadwater County Social Services Committee (BCSSC) and the Dollywood Foundation. Every child who is enrolled in the program receives a free age-appropriate book every month from birth until the age of 5. It is open to any child residing in Broadwater County.

In 2022, a survey was done with parents in Broadwater County with children currently enrolled in the program or recent graduates. The survey showed the program is already making a big impact in the community in just three years by increasing reading time, improving kindergarten readiness, promoting family bonding and fostering a love for reading. The survey respondents indicated:

  • 9% felt that the Imagination Library has made a positive impact on their family.
  • 8% felt their child’s enthusiasm for books has increased since receiving Imagination Library books.
  • 6% felt they spend more time reading to their child as a result of the Imagination Library.
  • 5% felt that the Imagination Library has helped their child prepare for kindergarten by improving his/her literacy.

BCSSC is raising funds to continue operating the program. The Dolly Parton Foundation covers the administrative cost of the program while the local organization funds the cost of books, postage and mailing. The local cost is $25/child/year. If you should like to sponsor a child to participate in the program or give a general donation, please complete the form below. BCSSC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible. For more information about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library or to enroll, visit https://imaginationlibrary.com/.

Download the Dolly Parton Imagation Library Donation Form


Silos Recreation Master Plan

The Citizens Action Group for the Silos Recreation Area has been working with the BOR and the people of Broadwater County and the surrounding region to develop a Master Plan for the Silos Recreation Area.

Click here to view the Silos Master Plan




Townsend School System Information

New Local Employment Opportunities page
under the Economic Development tab
Click Here to view local listings

Business opportunities abound in Townsend

We have a few available business/office spaces available for rent or sale. We also have a few business owners looking to retire from successful/thriving established businesses. Does Townsend fit into your next business decision? Browse our website; see what our area has to offer, visit with our realtors & property managers. Make Townsend your next move. For more information contact bcdc@mt.net

“It’s Time” to come home to Montana

Are you ready for a simpler way of life – a less corporate lifestyle?
Take a look at what our area has to offer.

Recreational Opportunities in and around Townsend

Click Here for a partial listing

A video sampling of what is out our backdoor

Enjoy some more videos

Bobcats & Grizzlies Sports Schedules


Thank You for visiting our web site. This site is owned & maintained by Broadwater County Development Corporation.
If you own a business in Broadwater County please check your listing for errors, if you are not listed & would like to be, please send us your information. If you find any errors or broken links etc. please notify BCDC. You may contact BCDC with your information at bcdc@mt.net